PLEND Archive reports Financial Statements We act We think We advise
We act
We think
We advise

We think about the residents

Because it is them who we develop our business with. We answer their questions and listen to their needs. We change for them. We are getting closer to each other. By the house, in the network, here and now.

25 000

conversations with our clients

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We think about the surroundings

Because we operate in it and are part of it. We create networks with cities. Networks of relationships and partnerships as well as heating networks. We provide the surroundings with heat and energy. We breathe together.


measurement stations

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PLN 67 000

from the Christmas charity event

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We think about the employees

Because we create the company together. We work effectively – at the workplace. We rest – at home. We share common values. We compete healthily, with gamification.


tons of fruit and vegetables

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hours in swimming pools

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for the family


for the team


additional free days

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Strategy Day

and Wiki Strategy

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See how we advise
See how we act
See how we act
See how we advise